10 ways to make a massive creative impact

10 ways to make a massive creative impact

Hamilton: The Revolution is one of only two books of which I own two copies; the other is The War of Art.

Both gave me hope in some of my darkest times of self-doubt. And that is why, even if you are not obsessed with Hamilton the musicalHamilton: The Revolution is worth a look. Because it is about so much more than a hit Broadway show.

It’s about what it takes to make the impossible possible.

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Backstage at Hamilton

Backstage at Hamilton

Going behind-the-scenes of Hamilton with musician Will Wells (Part 1 of 2)I can’t believe what just happened.

I’m crying on an airplane, face pressed against the glass of the window after 24 hours in New York City for my 29th birthday.

I’m half hoping the guy next to me can’t see me crying, and half feeling like “It’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to!”

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